Sunday 1 August 2010

TIPS merawat Mobil

Setiap hari mobil digunakan si dia, tapi tidak pernah merawat body mobil ini. Inilah fenomena hidup. Berikut ini ada tips untuk merawat mobil :

  1. Sebisa mungkin memarkirkan mobil di tempat yang teduh atau beratap sehingga terhidar dari terikan matahari. Sinar matahari dapat merusak cat mobil. Selain akibat terikan matahari, kotoran burung dapat jatuh ke body mobil. Bila kotoran ini kering, akan sulit untuk membersihkannya (kemungkinan akan tergores).

  2. Jangan lupa mencuci mobil secara teratur. Hindari pencucian menggunakan detergen, sabun dan shampo. Hal ini dikarenakan mengandung bahan kimia yang dapat merusak cat mobil. Gunakan sabun khusus untuk pencucian mobil.

  3. Cucilah mobil ditempat yang teduh atau beratap. Hal ini untuk menghidari akan sinar matahari yang langsung ke body mobil. Jangan biarkan sabun tersebut melekat lebih lama di body mobil.

  4. Untuk ban mobil, jangan menggunakan brush yg kasar. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan ban akan cepat terkikis / robek.

  5. Gunakan kain untuk mengelap bagian pelak ban.

Nah, selesai deh mobil akan terawat dengan baik untuk bagian luarnya. Senang banget...

Tuesday 24 November 2009

the next lesson.
Last night,we had learn about table and contents.for today,i want to introduce about menu in the excel (not menu in the table).I am using excel 2007.but for another type,fundamentaly is the same.
1. Home
Comprise with style of letter,related to table.
a. Copy = menu for make a copy letter, picture, table or sheet to another place that we want.
b. Cut = menu for cut the letter, picture, table or sheet to another place that we want.
c. Paste = menu for paste the letter, picture, table or sheet to another place that we want.
d. Font = menu to change font like what we want.
e. Font Size = menu to change font size be bigg or small.
f. Font colour = menu to change colour of the font.
g. Fill colour = menu to fill the table with colour.
h. Allignment = menu to make allign the text in the table.
i. Number = Menu to make a format the number as currency, coma style, percent style, increase or decrease decimal and line of the table.
j. Cells = menu for editting the table as width or height the table and delete or insert the table.
k. Editting = menu for editting a cell, row and coloums with formula, sort and filter the table and search in the table.

For tonight,i thinks enought to the learn menu HOME.i will continue tommorow for the next lesson.


Monday 23 November 2009

how are u everybody....For this time i want to make posting about "using excel".
Have instal excel program?instal that from cd or u can search in google.
Than entry to the program.
first time, we must to know whats can we do?Maybe for administration of school, company or budget in our bussiness.
a. we must make header for our table.
b. Menu for our sheet.
c. data will put down in the table that appropriate menu.


Chandra High School

Name Address Class Information

Steve Giant villa Street I A
Jhon Greends land street II A

Note :
Chandra High School is header
Name ..... is menu of sheet
Steve ..... is data

ok, for this time. I will contiunue for leason excel program.

Thursday 5 November 2009

hi all friends.

I am a man with live in Indonesia.i was born in North Sumatera still indonesian country.